Tuesday, December 11, 2012


The Fall Semester is already over! This gave us a chance to look over everything we've done since our process began in May 2012. We've come so far!

Pet ready for a ride to semester review.

Puppet YAK display table FULL OF STUFF at Drama Arts semester review


Saturday, December 1, 2012


                Here is the process we went through to make the linings for the foamie puppets: 

                                                                     Part A: SEWING
Muslin mock-up of Rose's jumper.

Sewing headliner foam on
the industrial sewing machine.
Pattern for Lars' torso cut out of headliner foam.

Sewing up Rose's legs.

Part B: GLUING    

Using spray adhesive to stick down the edges of the headliner foam. 

Protecting the fabric on the inside edge of the lining from spray adhesive with masking tape. 
Lars' foam lining, ready to sculpt onto.

Rose's suit is made like overalls, so her lining
has these adjustable buckles at the shoulders.